The Business of Pet Sitting
Its very important that people understand the difference between a free pet sitter and a business of pet sitting.
I'm in the business of pet sitting. I am not looking for free rent in exchange for looking after pets.
It is my job between the hours of 6pm to 8am to ensure your pets routines are the same, to make them feel happy and ensure they feel loved and are fed, that medication is given if required and most importantly to know they have not been abandoned by their family and are still well loved.
My rates start at $60+ a night this works out to be $4.28+ per hour. From this I need to pay tax and other business costs. I still pay rent /power/water & internet in my own home during this time, they don't just magically stop while I am away.
I don't just arrive at the property at 6pm feed the pets let them out to the toilet / clean the litter trays / bird or rabbit boxes and sit down and watch TV for the night.
I engage with the pets, I provide stimulation and security I take the time to know them and their needs. I am constantly alert for signs of stress and anxiety for signs of ill health or pain. If I do go out which is normally on the longer pet sit assignment I often take your pet with me, the added stimulation is good for them and I never force an animal to stay if they show signs of stress.
For myself I need to learn the quirks of your home, that you simply take for granted so much you aren't aware that they are different for other people. I'm often requested to sleep in kids bedrooms or the spare room that is full of boxes, or the sleep out that are cold and have old bedding. I turn these jobs down, my own welfare is important to how I can continue to care for your animals and also go to work the next day.
For dog sitting, if the dog isn't compatible with other dogs, this adds additional time to my day as I cannot slip them into group walks during the day. I need to recoup this cost somewhere, other wise I am working for free.
I am a business not a exchange service. I don't believe my prices are exorbitant, I believe they are fair. I offer a service and five years on I have returning customers I believe, actually I know I am doing something right, for me for you and most importantly for your pets.
I'm not right for everyone, like any business you need to find the right fit.
Most importantly people need to know, that I am here to make a living, doing something I enjoy with clients I enjoy being with.